A tragic Albemarle County traffic accident has resulted in two deaths along interstate 64. Two other people were injured in the motor vehicle accident, which occurred just after 11 a.m. on a recent Wednesday morning.
Virginia troopers arrived at the accident scene shortly after receiving a report about the accident. The incident involved a car and a flatbed tractor-trailer not far from Keswick. Police claim that an accident had slowed traffic down; however, the flatbed truck driver did not see the slowdown ahead of him. He subsequently crashed into the back of a Nissan sport utility vehicle. The SUV was then pushed ahead into a large sedan. A Chevy Suburban was also struck in the collision. The force of the collision caused the SUV to go careening off the road and flip over. It then hit another tractor-trailer and caused the large sedan to burst into flames.
The driver of the large sedan, a 70-year-old woman, was killed at the crash scene. A 59-year-old passenger in the Chevy Suburban, who was riding in the backseat, was ejected from the vehicle. He died later, after being transported to the hospital.
The driver of the Suburban, a 44-year-old man, survived without injury. However, his 42-year-old wife, who was riding as a passenger with him, required hospital treatment for minor injuries. The 24-year-old driver of the Nissan SUV had to be flown to the hospital for serious injuries. The flatbed truck driver escaped unharmed. He has since been charged with driving recklessly and more charges are pending.
Virginia motor vehicle accidents can happen any moment on the road. The pain and suffering that injured parties of these accidents must go through can be unbearable. Family members of deceased victims will also have a lifetime of suffering ahead of them. Nevertheless, in the case that these individuals’ pain and suffering was caused by someone who unlawfully or negligently caused a car crash, victims may wish to seek financial restitution by way of a personal injury claim in civil court.
Source: nbc29.com, “Two Dead after Multi-Vehicle Crash on I-64” Aug. 06, 2014