Over 100 Years Of Collective Experience

You Can Retake Control Of Your Finances

If you are having trouble paying the bills or are afraid that you may lose your home to foreclosure, bankruptcy may be the answer. Whether it is a good option for you depends on the type of debt you have, the type of assets you have and what your debt relief goals are. It is best to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer about your unique situation before making a decision. The Dickerson & Smith Law Group provides bankruptcy representation to individuals in Virginia. We can review your finances and determine if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 will work for you. To schedule an appointment with our Virginia Beach bankruptcy attorneys, please call 757-828-0031 or contact us online.

Chapters 7 And 13 And The Automatic Stay

After examining your assets, debts and income, we will discuss the benefits and requirements of Chapters 7 and 13. We can help you decide which chapter may be right for you:

  • Chapter 7 — In general, people choose Chapter 7 when they have significant unsecured debt such as credit cards or medical bills. These debts will be discharged. Chapter 7 filers may also have few assets they wish to keep. While you can keep your home and car under Chapter 7, you must be able to keep making the payments.
  • Chapter 13 — This chapter of bankruptcy is typically used by people with more income who are trying to save their home. Under Chapter 13, your debts are reorganized into a repayment plan of three to five years. Payments on your mortgage and other debts will be lowered during this period. When you have completed the repayment plan, your remaining secured and unsecured debts may be discharged if they are eligible.

The protection provided by the automatic stay is one of the benefits of filing bankruptcy. When you file, the automatic stay prohibits creditors from contacting you or taking collection actions against you while the bankruptcy is in progress. The automatic stay halts creditor harassment, wage garnishment, foreclosure and vehicle repossession. If you successfully complete bankruptcy, creditors should have no reason to contact you because your debts will have been discharged or repaid.

Contact A Hampton Road Chapter 7 Attorney

Please call 757-828-0031 to arrange an appointment or speak with a lawyer today.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.