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Avoid drinking and driving accidents over the holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 18, 2015 | Drunk Driving Accidents, Firm News |

The Virginia State Police say they will be out in full force during the holidays. They have advised drivers to drink responsibly and not get behind the wheel of an automobile while intoxicated. Police across the nation will be patrolling the roads in search of inebriated drivers in order to prevent drunk driving accidents this season.

The sad fact is, with so many holiday parties happening, there will be a massive increase in drunk driving crashes this Christmas and New Years, just like there is every year. However, not only police will be doing their part to prevent these crashes. AAA Tidewater Virginia says it will be making its Tipsy Tow service available to people living in the Hampton Roads area. This program gives a safe way of getting home to people who would otherwise be temped to drive drunk. This year, they are offering the service from Oct. 31 through Jan. 1.

Here are some important ways to avoid drinking and driving accidents this year. First, make sure to have a designated driver, a friend or a family member who can get you home safely. Or, schedule a cab that will pick you up, or make sure you know the public transportation routes that will get you home. Second, never let your friends drive drunk. Call a cab for them, or give them a ride and be insistent about it. Third, if you see a drunk driver on the road, contact the police and notify them of the location of he driver. Fourth, be alert while driving home. You might be sober, but you are likely sharing the road with numerous inebriated drivers.

If you get injured by an inebriated driver over the holidays, you may be able to seek financial restitution in court. A successfully navigated personal injury case stemming from a DUI crash could bring you money to pay for medical care and financial restitution for other damages relating to the crash.

Source: 13newsnow.com, “Officials urge safe, responsible driving this holiday season,” Dec. 17, 2015
