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7 examples of unsafe working conditions

On Behalf of | Apr 19, 2018 | Firm News, Workers' Compensation |

Every day, workers are exposed to unsafe conditions on the job. Many of them suffer moderate to serious injuries. Others are killed. Occupational hazards abound, even though many steps have been taken to eliminate them.

To help you know what to watch out for, here are seven examples of unsafe working conditions:

  1. Defective equipment: This could include tools and supplies that are defective when they come from the factory or have worn out over time and have never been repaired or replaced.
  2. Inadequate guards: Many tools are inherently dangerous, and guards must be in place to keep workers from harm.
  3. Fire hazards: In some cases, there is even the risk of a serious explosion.
  4. Workplace congestion: As the company grows, the workspace needs to grow with it.
  5. Inadequate or broken warning systems: Workers may not even realize there is a significant risk of injury until it is too late.
  6. Hazardous air conditions: Workers come away with respiratory issues and other workplace diseases after being forced to breathe this contaminated air for shift after shift.
  7. Lack of cleaning and poor housekeeping: When the workplace is dirty and cluttered, injuries are more likely. For instance, workers could trip on extension cords that were not put away properly or they could slip and fall on staircases that have never been cleaned.

Do you work in an environment that exposes you to unnecessary risks? Do you worry about getting injured every single day when you clock in? If so, it is important for you to understand all of the legal rights that you have after a serious workplace injury.

Source: Cooper Equipment, “Unsafe Acts vs. Unsafe Conditions,” accessed April 19, 2018
