An individual’s credit score might be one of the greatest influencers on the ability to obtain an affordable major loan in Virginia, such as a mortgage. The first skill in credit management is an understanding of how the consumer scoring models work.
According to Kiplinger, there are various formulas used by different bureaus and industries, but the most widely used models calculate credit scores in a similar manner. For example, FICO looks at five different types of information reported by creditors and lenders and assigns each one a percentage of an individual’s total score.
- Payment history: 35%
Late payments, generally 30 days past due or more, might have one of the most detrimental effects on a person’s score. However, overdue remittances do not stay on a report forever.
- Total debt: 30%
Also known as a “credit utilization ratio,” this consists of the percentage of available credit used for each account as well as the total debt compared to all credit lines added together. Reporting bureaus often recommend that consumers try to limit this ratio to no more than 30%.
- Age of credit: 15%
Potential lenders view open accounts in good standing for many years as an indicator of financial responsibility. As long as credit accounts are not costing their holders money, it is generally a good idea to keep them open, make small purchases periodically and pay them off right away.
- New accounts: 10%
In contrast, a large number of brand-new credit accounts (less than a year old) could raise a red flag to lenders. They usually view this as a warning that a consumer is in dire financial straits and making a desperate attempt to make ends meet.
- Variety of credit: 10%
According to Equifax, the different types of credit held by an individual can influence a score. Those with a blend of unsecured debt, revolving credit and installment loans may demonstrate more financial intelligence and a higher likelihood of satisfying future debt obligations.