For people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits in Virginia, the question of whether they can still work is a common concern.
Understanding the nuances of working while receiving SSDI can be complex, but ensuring compliance with regulations and maximizing financial stability is essential.
SSDI eligibility criteria
SSDI benefits offer financial support to people with disabilities who are unable to engage in substantial gainful activity. This assistance is crucial for those who cannot work due to their medical conditions.
The Social Security Administration defines Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) as earning above a certain monthly threshold. This threshold is updated annually to reflect changes in the cost of living and other economic factors.
As of 2024, the SGA threshold for non-blind persons is $1,550. For blind persons, the threshold is $2,590, allowing for different levels of earnings based on the type of disability.
Trial work period
The SSA offers a Trial Work Period (TWP) during which SSDI recipients can test their ability to work without jeopardizing their benefits.
During the TWP, people can work and earn any amount for up to nine months within a rolling 60-month period. These months do not need to be consecutive.
Substantial gainful activity (SGA)
Once the TWP concludes, people who continue to engage in work that exceeds the SGA threshold may risk losing their SSDI benefits.
However, SSA offers programs to help you ease back into work. These include the Ticket to Work program and getting your benefits back quickly if you need them again.
You can still work while receiving SSDI, but it’s important to understand the rules. Navigating these regulations helps ensure financial stability and compliance with SSDI requirements.