Ever since cellphones were invented, it seems that the dangers presented by them have grown. These days, one of the biggest threats to Virginia Beach residents relates to distracted drivers who are too busy looking at their smartphones than staying attentive to roadway conditions.
Indeed, statisticians have proved that driving while inebriated is even more dangerous than driving drunk. That is because inebriated drivers usually — at the very least — pay attention to the road. Drivers who are texting while operating their cars, on the other hand, are periodically taking their eyes off the road. In some cases, texters are taking their eyes from the road for as much as six seconds at a time.
These kinds of texting-while-driving accidents are extremely unfortunate. There is no reason why any vehicle driver or passenger should get catastrophically injured because a driver took his or her eyes off the road in order to check Facebook or send a text message. Nevertheless, these incidents happen all the time and it only looks like they’re getting worse and worse.
This is why, at the Dickerson & Smith Law Group, we take great pride in handling any kind of texting while driving case. We know that the more drivers we hold completely accountable for illegal accidents (to the fullest extent of the law) the less likely they are to engage in such risky behavior again. Virginia Beach residents who suspect that they were hurt — or their family member was killed — because of another party’s negligence may have strong, pursuable injury claims.